News Wee Teck

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Apple's App Store infected with XcodeGhost malware in China - BBC News
Apple says it is taking steps to remove a malicious software added to dozens of apps commonly used by owners of iPhones and iPads in China.

Insights and News - BUNKER INDEX
Bunker Industry Insights and News

Google Store: Suchmaschinenkonzern eröffnet ersten physischen Laden...
Der Suchmaschinen-Riese hat in London den ersten Laden eröffnet. Er kommt daher wie eine Spielecke, doch steckt in den Räumen Überwachungstechnik: Google...

Smartphones, tablets driving retail growth in Asia
Loo Wee Teck, head of consumer electronics at Euromonitor, cited a survey by the firm showing that nearly a quarter of respondents in the ...