News Yulia Sotnikova

(1 - 26 von 26

Mysterious signal from space is no alien transmission |
We can all relax: there will be no Independence Day-like invasion of Earth.

The 'extraterrestrial' signal discovered by Russian astronomers...
On Wednesday, the Russian Academy of Science announced that a space signal believed to be from 94 light years away was more likely 'of terrestrial origin'

Rusya Uzaydan Mesaj Getirdi: Uzaylıların İşi mi - Son Dakika Dünya
Ratan-600 teleskopu, Dünya’ya 94 ışık yılı uzaklıktan garip bir radyo sinyali yakaladı. Bilim insanları bu sinyalin uzaylılardan gelen bir mesaj olup...

Lástima, la «señal alienígena» es un fiasco
Científicos concluyen que, probablemente, la señal de radio que parecía proceder de una estrella lejana tiene un origen terrestre

Le signal "extraterrestre" capté dans l'espace venait d'un satellite...
Ce puissant signal d'origine inconnue laissait penser à une transmission d'une intelligence extraterrestre. Il aurait en fait été émis par un sate...

Russia denies it is hiding discovery of alien civilisation - Daily...
RUSSIA has denied claims it has discovered an advanced alien civilisation – and is keeping it secret from the world.

Guardian: Noise, not aliens: Russian-detected signal likely 'terrestrial...

Team of scientists manning Ratan-600 telescope said the signal they believed at first to have originated from a distant star had a ‘probable terrestrial origin’

Message ‘sent from aliens’ might just have been an accident,...
It wouldn't be the first time that scientists have mistaken something earthly for something far more alien – last year it emerged that scientists had picked up...

Seti@Home (Seite 9) - Allmystery
Mal eine Frage : Benutzt ihr kennt ihr

Vermeintliches SETI-Signal ist keins - Angebliches Radiosignal von...
Ein Signal von Aliens? Seit einigen Tagen sorgt ein Radiosignal für Aufsehen, das russische Forscher aus dem Weltall aufgefangen haben sollen. Das relativ

ET? Unlikely, but we’ll see say alien hunters | The National
AN unusual signal discovered at a Russian observatory that could have been a sign of extraterrestrial life is now thought to have been an…

Russia extends detention of Ukrainian filmmaker | Crime | Dunya News
Ukraine's Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin says he is disappointed by the decision.

Rewarding the best financiers
... are: Ekaterina Kopylova - diploma of the II degree (supervisor - associate professor Olga Nikolaevna Uglitskikh); Yulia Sotnikova - diploma of ...

Mesajul EXTRATERESTRU din spațiu a fost decriptat! Descoperirea care...
Misteriosul semnal radio detectat anul trecut de un radiotelescop rus în direcția constelației Hercule este de fapt de origine terestră, provenind de la un...

“The detention of Oleg Sentsov has been extended until October 11,” a spokeswoman for a Moscow court, Yulia Sotnikova, told AFP. She did ...

Russian team for Lisbon | NEWS | World Athletics
Relay: Olga Kotlyarova, Olesya Zykina, Yulia Sotnikova, Yulia Nosova, Natalia Antyukh, Natalia Khrushchelyova 60m hurdles: Svetlana ...

South African Wins Znamensky 100m | AP News
Associated Press historical news archive articles dating back to 1985

The Russia Olympic Selection| News
The Russian National Championships has produced the preliminary selection to represent the country in Sydney. Nikolay Ivanov reports

Não provém de alienígenas sinal de rádio captado por russos
Declaração publicada pela Academia Russa de Ciências confirma origem terrestre da emissão captada há mais de um ano

Ora è giallo sul segnale "alieno" captato dai russi -
Dietrofront degli astrofisici dell'Accademia delle Scienze: potrebbe trattarsi di una interferenza terrestre. Irritazione degli scienziati Usa che guidano

Russian telescope detects 'strong signal' - Space: Astronomy and...
Quote Alien life, or noise? Russian telescope detects 'strong signal' from sun-like star Signal detected a year ago from HD , only 95 light years away and...

Signal from sun-like star likely of Earthling variety –
Apologies to the Tin Foil Hat Clan, but that mysterious signal emanating from a star in the constellation Hercules? Yeah, probably not an alien. If E.T.

World best Pedroso on form for Lisbon | REPORT | World Athletics
Olympic long jump champion Ivan Pedroso sounded a warning to his rivals ahead of next month's World Indoor Championships in Lisbon beating an accomplished... Olimpiadi 2000
Oro 1. USA 3: (Jearl Miles-Clark, Monique Hennagan, Russia 3: (Yulia Sotnikova, Svetlana Gontcharenko, Olga Kotlyarova, Irina Privalova) ...