News Zaher Sahloul

(1 - 30 von 62

Siebenjährige hat Aleppo verlassen: Twitter-Mädchen Bana ist in...
Wochenlang verfolgen Hundertausende das Leben der siebenjährigen Bana auf Twitter. Mehrere Wochen bleibt ihr Schicksal ungewiss. Nun gibt es gute Nachrichten:...

Hospital bombings worsen Aleppo's humanitarian crisis - CNN Video
▶ 6:03Dr. Zaher Sahloul with the Syrian American Medical Society talks to CNNi's Jonathan Mann about the urgent ...

Women's healthcare in critical condition in besieged Syria -
As bombs continue to drop on parts of Syria, doctors struggle to give even the most basic medical care to women.

Obama 'red line' erased as Bashar Assad's chemical weapons use goes...
Amid recent reports Syrian President Bashar Assad again used chemical weapons in his nation's ongoing civil war, Mr. Obama is taking a much different approach...

Zaher Sahloul, Farida Muslim, Samer Attar, Abdel Khalek, Abo Rajab,...
Read the latest stories by Zaher Sahloul, Farida Muslim, Samer Attar, Abdel Khalek, Abo Rajab, Baraa Omar and Abdel Kafi on Time

Östra Aleppos största sjukhus totalförstört
Östra Aleppos största sjukhus M10 har utsatts för ett flyganfall – och totalförstörts.

Will Syria’s children ever be able to breathe? - The Globe and Mail
After the 175th chemical attack on the innocent people of Syria, the world began to notice. But what will change – even after U.S. intervention – and when will...

Dr. Zaher Sahloul, with the Syrian American Medical Society and ...
Coalition for Syria, holds Shayma Alaly, 4, a refugee from ...

US to meet target of admitting 10,000 Syrian refugees ahead of...
The Obama administration will meet its goal of admitting 10,000 Syrian refugees this fiscal year a month ahead of schedule and is working with Congress to...

Syria conflict: Horrific pictures show children burned by incendiary...
At least 25 civilians including six children … in Hama province

Dr Zaher Sahloul standing behind Bashar al-Assad in ABC News...
... Science · Arts · Analysis · Programs · More. Dr Zaher Sahloul standing behind Bashar al-Assad in Print Email Facebook Twitter More ...

Zaher Sahloul über die medizinische Lage in Aleppo - Politik -
Der syrisch-amerikanische Arzt spricht über die schlimme Situation in den Krankenhäusern Aleppos - und über seinen Studienkollegen Assad. Bana Alabed in Sicherheit - Aleppos Twitter-Mädchen ist evakuiert...

In eine dicke Winterjacke gehüllt lächelt Bana Alabed in die Kamera.Das Mädchen, das mit seiner Mutter seit September aus den Rebellengebieten über die Lage in...

Siebenjährige ist in Sicherheit: Twitter-Mädchen Bana konnte Hölle...
Bana sei mit ihrer Familie aus der umkämpften Stadt gebracht worden, berichtete Zaher Sahloul von der Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS) in einer Kurznachricht.

Offener Brief an Merkel zur Lage in Aleppo: "Es ist unverantwortlich,...
- Dr. Zaher Sahloul (USA), Senior advisor, Syrian American Medical Society,?American Relief Coalition for Syria. - Mr. Baboulal Sethia (UK), President, Royal Society

Aus der Hölle von Aleppo: Bana ist in Sicherheit | Politik
Bana sei mit ihrer Familie aus der umkämpften Stadt gebracht worden, berichtete Zaher Sahloul von der Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS) in einer Kurznachricht.

Aleppo: Regierungstruppen blockieren Hilfskonvois
· ... sagte der Arzt Zaher Sahloul von der Hilfsorganisation Syrian American Medical Society am Donnerstag in Washington. ...

Twitter-Mädchen Bana aus Ost-Aleppo vorerst in Sicherheit - B.Z. –...
Über Wochen verfolgten weltweit hundertausende Menschen Tweets der sieben Jahre alten Bana al-Abed aus den Rebellengebieten Aleppos – jetzt ist das Mädchen in...

Choking agents mark new Syria low - CNN
Dr. Zaher Sahloul is the president of the Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS), a nonprofit organization that represents more than 5,

I'm a physician who is trying to save desperate people -- Mr. Trump,...
I'm a physician who is trying to save desperate people -- Mr. Trump, please help end Syria's agonies. Dr. Zaher Sahloul. By Dr. Zaher Sahloul, ...

Syria chlorine attack: UN Security Council members 'moved to tears'...
Members of the UN Security Council were reportedly moved to tears after being shown images of civilian victims of alleged chlorine attacks in Syria. Most of...

Doctors under fire in Aleppo as Syrian forces target hospitals
American doctors are risking their lives to help victims of airstrikes in one of the world's most dangerous cities, Aleppo in Syria.

dr zaher sahloul slider photo - Middle East Center
Dr. Zaher Sahloul, an associate clinical professor at the University of Illinois College of Medicine, was invited to give a "field report" of his encounters while ...

Archiv – Politik Nachrichten – August – -
Eine Übersicht aller Nachrichten des Ressorts Politik aus dem Monat August finden Sie im Archiv von Sü The siege of East Ghouta - “Tens of thousands suffer from...

This picture penetrates your soul. It's the picture of newborn Sahar. She died on Sunday, having been in this world for only 34 days. The reason? Malnutrition....

FOCUS: Aleppo: Mädchen twitterte aus Kriegsgebiet - jetzt ist sie in...

Über Wochen verfolgten weltweit hunderttausende Menschen die Tweets der sieben Jahre alten Bana al-Abed aus den Rebellengebieten Aleppos.

Syria's children: How to end their living hell (Opinion) - CNN
Dr. Samer Attar is an orthopedic surgeon at Northwestern University who has gone on surgical missions to Aleppo, Syria. Dr. Zaher Sahloul is a ...

Guardian: Report says nearly 650,000 besieged in Syria | World news | The...

Nearly three times as many Syrians are living in besieged communities as the UN’s official figures, according to report by the Syrian American Medical Society

Syria civil war: The picture which shows the suffering of the...
Air strikes have been intensifying in the embattled city

After Paris: The Refugee Crisis
Please join New America and Arizona State University in welcoming the distinguished panelists for a discussion on the refugee crisis.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Zaher Sahloul
Vorname "Zaher" (79)
Name "Sahloul" (4)