Hannah Zeavin Person-Info 

( Ich bin Hannah Zeavin)


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NYC7:00PM. Elizabeth Swados/Charles North/Hannah...

NYC, May , 7:00PM. Elizabeth Swados/Charles North/Hannah Zeavin, poetry. New York City

NY State courthouse picket for Central Park rally permit : Indybay

About 100 people, including a few Bay Area activists, held a picket outside the NY State Courthouse this morning to demand a permit for Sunday's Central Park...

Justice for Sam See: Professor dead in police custody | Liberation...

Hannah Zeavin, one of the demonstration's primary organizers and a former student of See, spoke eloquently about her teacher's character. She described him as a thoughtful, caring, and deeply political individual who did not hesitate to make meaningful connections with his students. “I'm so unspeakably ...

NAICU - News Room

NAICU compiles news of importance to the private higher education community on this page.
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